Yes or NO...Two days to decide!!!!

By architectlike •
Hi all.
I'm from Ireland and recently ( yesterday) was offered a job with an architectural office in Qatar. I have been offered a QR 21,000/mo, of which QR 8,6k are in allowances. Looking at all the costs required for accommodation, transport and utilities I have a vague feeling that 8,6k is not enough. Should I ask for more? 21k a decent salary given my position?? Your help is much appreciated.
Thank you
Considering Ireland (and most of EU) is the new third world, your salary is appropriate.
Jokes aside, if you do come here you'll soon realise that architects with your experience from the old third world make more than you.
VERY low, both salary and housing. Your salary of 12,000 QR is only about 20,000GBP per year. Your housing allowance gets you a small apartment in a so-so neighborhood. What's the upside? I'm not seeing it.
the three months probationary period is both ways. Either the company or you can terminate it. Just make it clear in your negotiation.
Different people will give you different answer and honestly speaking, you won't get a somehow realistic answer unless you previously work here in this region. Come and feel it yourself before you even think of bringing your family. Good day!
Hmm, what specifically is your job description? As far as accommodations go they range from 5000 - 10000 for a decent pad. So, that's half of your salary. That leaves you with enough to live quite comfortably considering that you hardly pay a penny for petrol. Looking at the economy in Ireland right now and how there are hardly any jobs I would take this opportunity. You get to experience another culture, warm weather all year round and a decent income. If you have kids I would ask for more since you have to support them (25,000QR) but if you're single or it's just you and your wife you can live quite comfortably and save money unless you like to blow it on stupid things. :p
It depends on your number of years of experience you have.
If you 15 years and above then you should ask for minimum 25000 QR
ask for more.
No. You could probably do it for 20k + nice apartment or villa (10,000 - 15,000) + flights home once a year for the whole family, and if you have kids, schooling would have to be included too. Sounds like they are just testing the waters. Get back to them with your counter-offer, with the above benefits and more money. Otherwise, it's the big NO.
u can find good studio flat for 7K and u can arrange transportation with 2K easily, balance 12K will be enough to live decent life with a small family but not enough for children school fees.
Good luck
I don't think it's enough - I find asking on QL is a bit of waste. We all come from different worlds with different expectations. Everyone has different ideas on what is a good standard of living. Having seen the places available for 7k, I wouldn't live in them yet other people would.
21000/month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! frnd if u look through out the forums ... u can see ppl living here quiete comfortable with a family with half the pay they r offering u....
If you are single or without school going children then the salary is reasonable. Otherwise , No.