Working in Qatar

I will be interviewing for a flying job in Qatar and if I'm sucessful, my husband and I will be moving to Doha. Does anyone know how difficult it might be for my husband to find work? What types of jobs are available to ex-pats? Does being American make it more difficult to find employment? He has a degree in business and currently works for airport security. Is it possible to find civilian jobs at Al Udeid (he is former military)?
I appreciate any information.
Hi, Violet, and welcome to Qatar. Good luck on your interview. I presume it's for a flight deck job? What equipment will you be on? I believe it's not too hard for an American professional to find a job here in Qatar. You will have the airline community in Doha as a resource after you arrive if your husband wishes to remain in the aviation security field. I've met many of the QR folks and they are delightful (as are all airline people, I'm former, myself.) And there are also six (yes, count them, six) US universities here in Doha. Carnegie Mellon is the one that offers business courses and degrees. That would also be a possibility. Like every other job hunt, it's all about networking! Mandi
being ex military and with that degree i am pretty sure he could get a good placement so best of luck with ur interview and we look forward to hear from you in qatar