wife under her husband sponrorship: divorce

By palmtreeisland •
if the wife is under her husband's sponsorship, and they are going to divorce, can she still remain under his sponsorship, since he doesn't mind? or she will be forced by authorities either to leave Qatar or to change her sponsorship?
Do you want to put yourself in any sort of unwanted trouble???
If not, kindly don't get involve in any illegal activities..
Either scrap your idea of divorcing him or leave DOHA after you both get separate..
Best solution is dont give divorce ha ha ha ha
Its illegal as she is no more his wife, but I have doubt if he will not report it to the immigration, she might be staying until the expiry of her visa and sure her husband is not going to renew her visa again.
I would very much doubt it. sounds illegal to me.
she cannot stay under his sponsorship any more .. as she was on family visa .. when they get divorced .. she is no more a family .. she has either to leave or to find another sponsor with the approval of her ex-husband.
if he refuse to transfer her .. then the only option is to leave the country