why women and men shouldn’t shop together

Reason no.1-Its’ bad for the economy
No impressive statistics to quote here, but every woman reading this knows that she spends less when she is out with her man (the men may think otherwise….).
A shopping trip with the man is just a scouting mission. They look. They like. They probably try as well. But they don’t buy. Okay , they do buy- but not all that they want to buy. Some they come back for, later.
The next day, the next week…. They tell their man something vague like “meeting up with the girls” or “girls’ day out” ….head to the store…buy the stuff they mentally marked on the other day, and some new ones as well.
Imagine they went out shopping with “the guy” every time…. Good heavens! Women would hardly buy anything…. The poor retailer suffers, the corporation suffers, the profit margins go down, the share- holders are disheartened, the economy suffers….
Reason no.2 -Relationships go sour, marriages frost
Ever noticed how most couples argue about money, spending, incomes, your money….my money….
Do you really need another black shirt?
You don’t love me like before, you hardly get me gifts anymore……
Hmmmm…. Women can’t stop buying ….. men can’t stop complaining….
Resolution – Don’t shop together. Ladies- what he doesn’t know can’t really hurt him (or piss him off!)
Reason no.3- Women end up with stuff they don’t like- Wastage!
Scenario:- Woman wanders around looking for a particular, very specific garment. Picks up 10 random ones to try. Meanders to the trial room at a snail’s pace.
Man- I thought you wanted a grey, crew neck, three-fourth sleeved, long, tight- weave light knit top…..?
Woman- Yeah! But remember last month I was looking for a short, cotton, v-neck, short sleeved kurta…see…this is what I was talking about…and these straight cut jeans are soooo difficult to find…and that too in this shade of teal- purplish dark blue…and this skirt……..
Man- Okay, go on….please make it fast. I look like a doofus standing outside the dressing room with your humongous bag in hand…..What do you put in this bag of your’s anyway?
Woman tries each garment, asks man for opinion. Man hops from one foot to another, hastily and with not an iota of interest says “Ok good” to every single of item.
Woman buys stuff even if she is no
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The original blog.