Which is the best Party Hall in Doha ??

we have recently arrived in Doha and my daughter is about to celebrate her first birthday?
Does anyone have any tips on a place/restaurant (cheap & Best) which would cater for such event?
I prefer Indian dish for max 100 ppl. With enough parking facility..
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks
Thanks for the reply..
Yes, Asiana is the best one with enough parking spaces, but the date which I want it’s already booked by someone.
Any other choice? Please.
I think Soniya is right and Asiana is the best choice in this scenario.
Go for it.
go for maaza near airport
ASIANA near airport would be the best option for you then..
They have a hall too which can accomodate 100 or even more than that very comfortably...
You can even try for ALISHAN near mumtazah...
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