Where is QP Offices and Need HR Number // Fake JOb//
Hello , friends
I need help, im cheated from One man < I lostMoney > I get job Offer From One Person < Recoenting Job- QP I give him 5000QR for my visa , now No contact he not take Phone , He told me He is WOrking there ,
Money giving after i get cal from Another Number they told me cal from QP Office, few days after he told mw your ticket and agriment ready but visa not granted wait few days , i belive him i wait- now last friday i get cal from tat office Number Your visa Ready, I forwed this Your Recomenting Person- day after that Recomenting Person cal me and said your doquments is Ready ,come and colect ->
tat time im not think Visa number, I wait him - but he cant ? i cal him No Hope now- Tat two number Still Ringing ,but not attend-
before i saw his salary 16500 Qatar BAnk Mesg of Recomenting Person -
two months i wait this , now no job
how can i find out him ????????
stil tat number working, why they cal me and said visa ready , (im not cal him they cal me ) -My doubt is Fake Job - they also remove that number ???????????? stil keep Both Number ???????
i know Fake recruiments in Qatar ,but He is fllowing correct manner , that office Number MAn told me before the job post Interview from BOmaby, you select only recomenting bases.......
I get two number , one is My recomenting Person number other One is Office no they told Me Lyk that.
i check that number from Qtel both no fake. its Not QP.
Send the number, from which they tried to contact you
you can check their office number thru their website...
QP office number is strictly confidential...
i need QP office one number
i need pain killer...
I cant get what you mean..........
Just take some pain-killers and forget the issue. You have lost your money.