Where can I get a wormery compost kit in doha ?
I want to get a wormery to compost all my vegatable waste so that I can put the end product into the garden to help the plants. I'm not talking about the standard compost that takes up to a year to work( although I am curious if anyone sells such a kit ). The wormery takes up to 60 days to break down the waste.
Hi rahsoft,
can you tell me if you started the composting and if so, any tips on how i can get started with it?
sorry no luck with finding wormery. so much ignorance on this issue here.
may have to just stick to composting instead, but it takes much longer than the 60 day turnaround time for wormery.
Were you able to find the worms and start composting with them? If so, could you tell me where you were able to find the worms?
expat su
who told you it was too hot ?
the worms used are redworms not the common earthworms and they thrive in hot climates such as tropics or even the australian desert, so it should not be a problem here.They can even be kept in colder temperate climates so long as a blanket is wrappded around their box during the cold winter or frost periods.
mine would be in the shade anyway, no one is going to keep them indoors. it is after all a worm composting colony.
Are you planning to keep the worm farm inside? If not, I'm afraid it won't be of much use in Qatar outside of the winter months - it simply gets too hot in Qatar for the worm farms. I loved my worm farm and wanted to have one here, but time and time again I was told that it is too hot :(
u can go to Vegetable Market
if u dont know call me to tell u where