Where can I buy Saltpetre / Potassium Nitrate?
By Skander_UK •
Hi I need some Potassium Nitrate / Sodium Nitrate for use in making air dried meat (it prevents botulism, a deadly bacteria) - does anyone know where I might be able to buy a small quantity?
thanks very much.
Thanks for your concern but Sodium chloride does not kill botulism, which is far more dangerous than potassium nitrate is in small doses! By the way all vegetables and fruit contain potassium nitrate!
Why not you use salt as a substitute afterall we know that these nitrates are now linked to so many types of cancers?
Wow thanks.....but I don't want to import it - I just want to buy a couple of hundred grammes. You mention that you would need to complete that process to import e.g. paint thinner - however paint thinner is available for retail purchase in stores here, so presumably the restriction is on retailers, not retail buyers.....
There must be a shop out there somewhere!!
You will need a special permit to bring any dual use chemical into the country, including:
1. Civil Defense + Environmental Commission + Municipality approved storage facility
2. Importation of hazardous substances must be specifically mentioned on company CR. You cannot import hazardous substances in your personal capacity.
3. In addition to the above, you will need to submit HAZMAT data sheet along with import documents to customs with civil defense and environmental approval with each and every consignment.
4. If material is classified as explosive or highly flammable, you will also need to have the documents approved by ministry of interior (police).
This applies to anything from paint thinner to you name.
Ha I am really up to amateur charcuterie, not bomb making!
I used to buy it in the UK although it is difficult to get hold of for exactly the reason you mention....
I used to make air dried hams, bacons etc, and saltpetre kills botulsim and keeps the meat a nice pink colour.
I am wanting to make Kadid which is arabic air dried mutton, to make a tasty couscous!
There must be some kind of chemical supply co. here.....
What are you really up to?
(Gunpowder is a mixture of sulfur, charcoal, and potassium nitrate).
LOL not really what I was after but thanks!
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