Hello All,
I am a naturalized Canadian Citizen. I moved from Canada to Doha about two weeks ago because my husband has accepted a job offer in a govt lab. After getting here I realized that my husband has got a raw deal. His pay is way below his qualification (PhD Biology), the house we have been allotted is not good and there is no education allowance for our kids. I can not afford to register them in any of the British, American or Canadian schools. I contemplated home schooling but it doesn’t feel like a very great option to me. I have decided to go back home and my husband would complete his first year of contract and join us in Canada next summers. My husband wants to give Qatar a try as he believes that he has better chances of finding better offers if he sticks around but he doesn’t want to live here by himself.
What should I do? I really need your advice.
Dont be so confused.
Ma opinion
:can u get less stressed if u go bak home??(if tat good is to go)
:1 year is not a long time but it will make the bond bewteen ur famliy members srtonger.(i guss)
:There are 100 of people not seen there family for 4 & 5 year.Comapring tat all its fine ma friend.
Studies are most imporant for children.If they Love to study here then u try for a job.And if they dont, NO take secound chance just fly back and settle there.
If ur hubi get a better job next,come back here to enjoy . or else no worry he will be ter very soon.
friend be Posative
Two weeks really isn't enough time to make a decision about Qatar, especially at this time of year. Give yourself some more time and breathing space, it's a big decision to be separated from your husband - and the kids from their Dad - for a year.
Thanks to all QL Friends for your anwers.
I feel a little less confused and lonely but still far from reaching a decision. There are some cheap tickets available online in mid August and I have decided to give my self one more week to sort things out before I purchase the tickets.
Cheers to QL community.
Excuse me why don`t you seek a job for yourself!!! then you can afford the school fees & also staying here with your Husband(this country is safe for kids) & after he finish the 1st year he can seek a better Career while he is here).
your decision is correct in my opinion.
if you wait for 1 year to complete the contract, you will loose educational period for your children.
if you dont go back early, you will be bound to live here, naturally. your mentality will be as same other residents.
so I suggest you, go as soon as possible.
Many people home school, but its not an easy option and I personally think children need the social interaction. You may get info back from others who do. I get some money toward school fees, but paying the rest eats up a majority of my wages. There are lots of things for children to do here, but some are costly.
A year is no time at all - depending on the age of your children, you could stay here a year, dip school and enjoy the experince.
The most sensible option may to be for you and the children to go home, make the most of the money that your hubbie is earning here and he can join you next summer.
He will cope, theres a 1001 others in his situation here and the internet makes for easy communication now days.
Good luck with whatever you choose. You will know in your heart the right decision to make for you and your family.
If I was in the country, I'd suggest meeting up - but I'm not back for three weeks.
Don't envy your situation, but wish you the best.
Quite a similar to me.
I left my wife and children in Australia and I am living alone
I am counting my days to end my contract
I will goback when my contract is expried.
Means time if I can not live here I will submit my resignation.
Most of US are happening.
Don't worry be happy.
Think positive ways.