what is pan

i saw the folliowing articla on the MOI website regarding pan sellers http://www.moi.gov.qa/site/english/news/2009/03/29/20295.html
they are talking about selling it to school kids is it a sort of drug or tabacco?
i saw the folliowing articla on the MOI website regarding pan sellers http://www.moi.gov.qa/site/english/news/2009/03/29/20295.html
they are talking about selling it to school kids is it a sort of drug or tabacco?
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In India, PAN will be referred as Permanent Account Number(PAN)which will be used as centralised account number for income tax purpose. While submiting your income details to incometax department, you have to submit your PAN number also.
I hope you are asking about this PAN only.
Best regards,
Rama Krishna
I think this has nothing to do with the pan leaves. This could be Pan Masala mixed with some other intoxicating products created specially to sell those who are looking some sort of intoxication. Pan Masala actually is a mouth freshner available in Indian market containing different ingredients. The ingredients in pan masala vary widely, depending on personal taste and region. Fennel seeds are often a key ingredients, since they tend to leave the mouth with a fresh feeling, and it is also possible to find cinnamon, cardamom, lime, menthol, areca nuts, betel nuts, and various other ingredients. When chewed, the ingredients in the pan masala help to freshen the breath, and they are also said to aid digestion, which can be very useful after eating ferociously spicy food which might upset the stomach.
Now a days there are variations available in India which is giving intoxication to the user and are banned in most of the Indian states. I think the pan seized by the Authorities will be something belongs to the banned category.
Yes, PAAN is a special type of leaf; very popular in India, Pakistan, bangladesh....., a sort of tobacco, if crushed...and it is banned in middle-east (for whatever reasons), I don't know.
PAN... ??? mmmm..
I did not read the article in the MOI site. but I am surprised how they used that word, which is totally Indian word.
PAN in india means betel leaves. it is heart shaped leave , people add tobaco + limestone paste + arecanut and chew. After chewing sometime, the saliva becomes RED in colour and if you spit you can see RED. Qatar Govt has stopped spitting on the road, especially it will be a setback to those Bangaldeshis who is fond of this habit
by the way , Betel leaves are not in a tree. It is a creeper, which is supported by antoher tree
Do u know what??its not a drug or tobacco.i dont know how to explain it for u.i believe its a kind of plant mixed with other stuff and smells awful.people use it since it has the same effect as tobacco but i guess less.its sold everywhere in doha in specific areas and made by those who are jobless since it makes alot of money for them.even schoolboys use it.
hmmm.. in our country.. "pan" means bread... old spanish word... but here i dont know..