What is it like being a teacher in the Choueifat school in Doha?

By littlemissnuisance •
I would love any information you can give me such as:
What is the accommodation like for single teachers? Is it within walking distance of the school? Are most of the staff expats? What about the students? What's it like teaching using the SABIS system? ...... etc, etc......
I would appreciate any info/tips/advice about life as a teacher there or just moving to Qatar in general.
Hi there, I know this is over 10 years later, but just in case you do get this message and are willing to respond... Did you end up working for that school and what was it like? I basically have the exact same same questions about it as you did in the original question. Thank you in advance!
If you google Sabis you'll get lots of hits - the majority of them negative. Don't know anything about Doha in particular.