what i can do ???

By insafdelboccio •
i have very bad neighbour who stay until 5:00am making noises and having very loud music .in USA we can cal the police for them.can anyone give me advice what i can do here(can i cal the police too?if not what i can do to stop them?)
call the police soon this is fun hose
thretan him
threaten Him
She said it guys that all the apartments around are empty and t hey live there only so they know who is their neighbor A YOUNG WESTERN FEMALE. so they want her attention to go to them and talk to them to stop it.and get a chance to mess up.
So i suggest better talk to the landlord dont try talking to them directly ever. Second thing if they are awake whole night listening to loud music means they are sleepin all day so then you can switch you music loud and listen let them get bugged DONT GIVE A DAMN HOW THEY WILL FEEL JUST DO IT.
Only POlice has answer of this question.
It sounds like you live next to a Party house its a place locals use to entertain their friends and women. You may get somewhere with the resident if you tell him that if the noise continues you will call the police and tell them its a party house. Especially if you see alot of traffic going on, they are well known in the Gulf. My friend knew when a man was going to rent a villa near him what he planned on doing with it so she told him she would call the police all the time if it was a party house so he didn't rent it. She lucked out.
Obviously He is working on the Night shift and playing other time!
Communication is the best tool and repeatedly warn them to inform POLICE may help. Eventually you can complaint to your landlord and call police!
i live in alsad area .it is not about new year they are like this since one month ,and the weird thing that the appartements around us are empty but every day they are in one .....so i dont know what going on exactly ??!!!
try talking to him first... if he doesn't listen, yes call the police....
Talk your neighbour politely. You may take one of your friends with you who will be a witness. If he is not changing then make a complaint to the Police.
where do you live? maybe that's me! i promise to be good, just don't call the police. LOL.
no, seriously, where do u live?
don't call a police!!!!!!!!! because his brother is a police...ho! ho! ho! give love on new years day....
Call 999 and tell the nusaince he is causing otherwise the other option as DaRuDe suggested...
I suggest you talk to your neighbors first, then, if nothing happens, call the police...
Yes. You can call the police but make sure that you talk to your neighbor first. If nothing happens then you its the time to call the police.
Take the gun open your door walk to his door when he opens shot the bugger in head. and all will be fine.
Or get soccer shoes go kick his balls like kicking a penalty shot from a corner with might and force to get the balls up his throat left and right.
Call the landlord and tell him police wont interfere in such matter. and if he still doesnt stop then you can call the police. telling him that you warned him before through the owner and he still doesnt give up.
Take the gun open your door walk to his door when he opens shot the bugger in head. and all will be fine.
Or get soccer shoes go kick his balls like kicking a penalty shot from a corner with might and force to get the balls up his throat left and right.
Call the landlord and tell him police wont interfere in such matter. and if he still doesnt stop then you can call the police. telling him that you warned him before through the owner and he still doesnt give up.
how about talking to the person?