What is green card ?

What does Green Card mention ? i have seen in some sites www.dohabank.com.qa . Here some link over there to Green card , Can any one Explain about this Green card
Please .. am working in some concern , they want to put Green card Link in our sites so just i want to know the details , then how cld i contact that busines people
i think we have to pay for Green card before we get the Link , that information only i got it . so please viewers help to know ..
The colour of the Green card will be Red!!.
Three possible options (that I know)
1.- Green Card: ID for USA (green card lottery)
2.- Green Card: vaccination control card issued by NHA in Qatar (several posts in this topic, please do a search)
3.- Green Card : Go Green, Doha Bank's Green Card promotion
If somebody wants to put a link to the green card in your site you should be paid for that!! Not that they get paid for that.
On the other hand I do not know details about this promtions and benefits to those posting links in their websites. Better talk to the bank.