What is the deal with taxi's not starting their meters?

Im new to Qatar, but have been taking the blue taxis for about two weeks, at least twice a day. Does anyone else notice that most taxis are reluctant to start their meters? Minimum QR10 for a trip, but usually my trip equals 2,50 (4 as a start, total trip on meter 6.50). Now, I dont mind to pay the 10 minimum. However, some drivers dont start the meter, then charge me 15?? Ive been told to just get out at my destination if they didnt start the meter. Maybe Im just too soft. I feel guilty so I request them to start the meter when I get in. How is it that compared to taxis in Dubai, the ones here always give the sopstory about having to pay the company too much. I had the same experience from City Centre. Ive always paid whatever is on the meter (under 10), although three days ago I got off and the meter said 6,25. The guy asked for 10 QR. When I told him how come, he said that if they drop you at a tower (im assuming work, not home) they charge 10??????? Then Im not even speaking about all the illegal taxis (calling themselves private limosines) stopping at you next to the road. Is that bcoz Im a woman I wonder?????????????? Ive had all sorts of cars stopping, I find it strange that a car not having a meter pretends to be a taxi?
I agree with all of you guys.. but i actually did twice when i say turn on the meter he shakes his head saying: i will just take 50 QR for that trip
i reply: you just gave me an estimated amount? start the meter ... secondly he refuses and if you noticed that if the meter is not ON - the trip is FREE ;)
- AND ATTENTION: pay attention to the number at the top-right side of the meter its usually 1 or 0
(1) means its inside DOHA and the (0) means its outside doha which doubles troubles ....
i don't mean to be racist ... but those black drivers are a nightmare i always avoid them - who's with me against (Karwa rental cars for dudes)
Nearly every taxi I get in doesn't have the sticker (they used to - indicating the day and evening fares, inside Doha and outside Doha fares etc.) Have never seen a 10 Riyal fare minimum - but as I say, I don't see the stickers anymore.
i think
The Deal Is called
Rental Karwa for which they pay 265 ryals for a day and get the car, then they have to do whatever it takes to get that money back and their expenses
that means they dont have salary i guess
minimum Karwa Fair is 10 ryals nomatter the the metre reads!( you may see this on most Taxis' windows!
It's a scam to bilk you out of money - tell them to start the meter, if they refuse, call the Karwa complaint line from the taxi.