Typical Cost of Living Figures (West Bay or The Pearl Area)

Hi Everyone,
I would appreciate average typical figures one can expect for a single western expat (US) living in Doha.
This is considering a residence in West Bay or The Pearl Area:
Residence Options:
Single Apartment Room Rent (Furnished): QAR?
Roommate Rent (Furnished): QAR?
-Does it come with utilities? If not, how much for utilities? QAR?
Food: QAR?
-Can cook my own food occasionally but would not sacrifice the leisure of going out every weekend.
Entertainment/Leisure/Nightlife: QAR?
Transportation (QAR?): Rent vs Lease vs Own
All in all, I would like your typical figures so that I can evaluate the financial side of this offer.
All the figures should portray a pretty good comfortable living lifestyle.
Would appreciate your responses asap.
Thanks for the help!
-Single Apartment(Furnished): QAR? 1BR (if lucky) QAR.10-14K; 2BR QAR.12-18
utilities QAR 500-1000 (water, electricity, TV, internet, etc.)
-Food: anything from 600 to 2000, depends what and how much you eat
-out every weekend, Entertainment/Leisure/Nightlife: QAR again depends on your drinking habits and preferable types of entertainment and frequency, from 500 to 5000
Transportation: For small inexpensive car Rent 2200-2500 vs Lease – NO such things here vs Own – installments of 1500 -1800
All in all, I would like your typical figures so that I can evaluate the financial side of this offer. Minimum of 30-35 should be Ok.
Hi Mandilulur:
Appreciate the response.
Sent you a message and it should be noted in your inbox.
Due to the character length, it would not fit here.
If you can get around QR 35T or more per month, it would be good. Normally, US expats for your qualification normally gets more or less QR 40T per month (gross).
Good Luck
It's hard to find one-bedroom accomodations in Doha. The Pearl and West Bay are quite expensive, probably 15,000 QR plus for a two-bedroom place. A small rental car is 2,000 QR per month. Buying a car, figure US prices plus maybe 5-10 percent. Insurance is 4% of the vehicles value per year. Middle-range restaurants like Applebee's and Chili's are about the same as the US. High-end places that serve alcohol are VERY expensive. But, your employer should be paying your rent and transportation.