traffic signals

By maqsoodahmed770 •
why traffic signals in round about in doha.ok if there is signals then why yellow bliniking on tv round not it creating more problem???
for your remarks please?
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Mr. SAMHANSHI . . . thanks for your input and information.
Do you mean that that the BROCHURE and the SIGINAL operation demonstration are enough to inform the public about the changes? If you mean it that way, then I think you are wrong Mr. SAMHANSHI.
Can you guess how many of them are aware of this BROCHURE and the SIGINAL operation demonstration? I guess it won’t be more than 20 to 25 % of the total road users in Qatar. Think about those people who stay outside the Doha city and who often come to Doha on weekends, Think about the people who went on vacation and will be back after 1 month or so, Think about the new expatriates to Qatar, Think about the Tourists, Think about the business people visiting Qatar from other GCC countries and there are many many more ways it could miss the attention of major chunk of the road users. Changing a standard rule can’t be justified by supplying BROCHURE and the SIGINAL operation demonstration.
Brothers & sisters . . . correct me if I’m wrong
Normally there won’t be any signals in the ROUNDABOUTS. The concept of the ROUNDABOUT is to facilitate direction change for the vehicles if required and it shall be mostly controlled without any signals. It works fine and smooth if you have comparatively equal amount of traffic from all the four sides ( 3 or 6 sides depends on the size and no: of exits in the ROUNDABOUT ). The worst thing that can happen is if you have an uneven traffic from different directions and also if you have bad drivers who don’t tend to follow the traffic rules. The only solution for this is to put a signal in the ROUNDABOUT if you don’t have any other choice like changing the ROUNDABOUT to a intersection with signal.
But, putting the YELLOW light blinking is not at all a good or safe practice and there is no justification for that. May me it gives relief to some of them. It is just like putting the HAZARD warning lights in a foggy climate. Though putting HAZARD warning lights makes you more comfortable, yet it is not accepted and it could create more hazards. So we can’t justify these acts just for the reason that some of them feel it comfortable or relived or its giving less traffic congestion.
Couple of the reasons why YELLOW light blinking is not considered as a good or safe practice,
1. In Qatar, we do have people from different part of the world; this YELLOW light blinking will create more confusion for those who come from other countries (even from other GCC countries). This is not a standard practice. In this case, Qatar shall not allow the International License to be used in Qatar.
2. The second thing is that, with the YELLOW lights blinking, you are giving the driver an open option to take a chance. Give the GREEN light for few minutes more rather than partially allowing to go. The time that you spend on the YELLOW shall be split into and give that time either to the RED or GREEN. It makes no difference.
I beleive that signalizing Roundabouts as temprorary solution was a great idea, compare non signalised R/As with the signalized one and you will see the difference, using blinking yellow was excellent to allow drivers especially the drivers that they were not able to pass during their green tim in the previous stage.
Yes. As you said it gives confusion while entering on R/As, especially to those who have been driving on light-free signals as in UAE. But you will get used to this in due course of time as I did in 2 months. My suggestion is that once the yellow light starts blinking simultaneously if there is a digital counter counting backwards to 'zero', it would be very helpful for drivers, as he could know when exactly will the "dangerous" RED be 'ON'
You are correct its pretty confusing and all of sudden the yellow light stops bliking and puts on Red Light, Any clue is there any camera here ? Please tell me genuinely if you know cus I got 2 different answers when I ask someone.
these kind of roundabouts with signals blinking yellow green and red are the best...if u were in that roundabout 2 years ago u would know...there used to be traffic police always..still they couldnt manage..and long ques would be formed...but this kind of roundabout is much be happy
Round abouts are made for less traffic areas. but trafic is increasing in a high speed. round abouts are failure in rush trafic. should be converted into trafic signal in rush areas. round abouts with trafic signals are like gays which can act like a man or a woman at a time.
Mr alfa wolf ,i know understand your profession(as mentioned in your profile)..... by the way i have uae & qatari valid licence.My concern is round about itself mean give way ,proceed then why yellow signal & also parking on round about .......these 2 things i feel uncomortable while driving.
Yes Both Mr. "the-birdie" and "SolidSnake9" are right. And in addition to round-abouts, it's only here in Qatar
that cars are allowed to park momentarily inside roundabouts which not knowing that it creates a blind spot for other motorist.
Do you have a driving license?? The fact that you will ask this question is a clear indication of why traffic and driving in Qatar is complete chaos!!
I think blinking yellow light means...
- Give Way
- Yield
- Proceed with caution
Roundabouts with signal lights are better... especially on that area.
yes, there may be initial confusion about the blinking yellow lights.
but believe me - it is a relief for the busy drivers
GREEN - You can pass the roundabout...the vehicles
coming from the left side of the roundabut will
stop for you
and you can drive
RED - You are NOT supposed to drive. EVEN IF THERE
ARE NO VEHICLES coming from the left side.
YELLOW - You are allowed to drive , ONLY IF, there are no
vehicles coming from the left side of roundabout
I think it is a wise step