Is there gonna be playstation store in qatar? please HELP!
By Mohammed55555 •
Please Help.Everybody in the world has playstation store and iv searched everywere for some information on how to use it in qatar.Please reply on this question like this.
And so on
Thank you for your help!
1. try to use different kind of address outside qatar. same as TALLG told you. but it must be a valid one.
2. you can use your relative address outside qatar. hmm sample like america.
3. mine is working perfectly, just input other address you think the ps network have. get it???????
Playstation Store works for me in Qatar, but I'm using a UK address and credit card.
Sorry your question is not clear.
Are you:
1- looking for a certain shop called playstation
2- Looking for a place to fix a PS
3- Looking for a place selling PS games
4- Looking for a place hat will help you use a PS?
if it becomes clear what you want,
then maybe we can help you
Unless there is a World Wide Shop called PS that we have not heared about, and in this case, there is no such place YET here in Doha, or is there!?