Is there Bus Service from near Lulu hypermarket to Qatar University?

Hi! Its just been 6 months since we came to Doha.
I have an interview appointment with a professor at Qatar University on monday. We stay near LuLu Hypermarket. Can someone guide me on travelling from near LuLu Hyper to Qatar University? Is there a bus service? If so, where is the bus stand near Lulu? Or will taxi be available? How much will they charge?
I've never been outside my home alone. Thats y I am asking such a lot of questions. Your advice will be highly appreciated.
yes there is for sure at earlly morning
Where is Qatar University? Is it in West Bay?
thanks everyone.
Book a Taxi because inside the univ the Bus wont go unless it is a University Bus.
all the best
i think from Hyper llulu it goes to station and from station youhave to get on University bus