Is there anyone who can supply good home cooked food on a daily basis?

By T Kureishy •
We dont have a maid to cook and it is very difficult to buy food from outside all the time therefore we would like to getgood home cooked food delivered to our place on a daily basis or at least thrice a week>
if you want home made pizza call 44667471
UkEngQatar, I'm a good cook but for a change I would like to give it a try :)
LOL.XD, Thanks buddy for the offer!
Try AMWAJ, they make good foods and they deliver too!
Why can you make yourself?
GHAZALS, Why Dont you try my foods for free ?? :D
fnishu, Not on daily basis but sometimes I want to have Indian/ Pakistani/Chinese tasty and hygienic homemade food too. Do you have any idea what to do?
plz provide the details as what food, which area, veg or non veg...etc.,for indian family or any other.