Technical interview

By ramadhan2009 •
I am back just for me informations if possible, so I have done first interview call there is about one month ago for 5 minutes she informed me that I will have a technical interview but till now I am waiting I call they informed me that till now there is no updates and also I see on forum that some persons here have wait for more than 3 to 6 months for technical interview and also that it will be done not by phone but directly in Qatar so please can you inform me more.
Thank you in advance.
My Friend;
Look for other job chances as well, do not just wait for their call only; don't waste valued time. If they call Okey. Think positively, all the good luck.
Thank you friend I am praying for the best
Friend, tying the knots to have all logistics covered for a Technical interview is not an easy task. Maybe you are not the only one attending and yes it could take a few more days.
Also consider that here we are in the Holy Month of Ramadan and so "things" just slow down a little bit.
On the other hand yes some people get interviewed here directly and at the same time they are given the word of approval or don't think that because you are coming the job is yours.
I know how you feel...I've been through that before and it makes you go "desperate" at some point.
Have patience...and pray for the best.
In which company?