TAX question. Can you advise?
By Must_try_harder •
I am purchasing a guitar from the USA via the web and having it delivered to me in Qatar. I will use Aramex, the International postal service for the delivery. Will I be required to pay TAX on the item as it enters Qatar?
Any advise will help, thanks.
this is tricky,
ensure that your gutair is just a cheap model (I Know) these people here ifthey think an import is worth a buck thell charge believe me from experience they do. Just say its a 300$ practice they aint a clue
No taxation in Qatar. dont worry import anything u want except forbidden items. you will enjoy ur great guitar. Good luck.
No taxation in Qatar. dont worry import anything u want except forbidden items. you will enjoy ur great guitar. Good luck.
No, but you may have to pay Duty, which is 5% of the combined Purchase Price + Shipping costs...