Regarding Sea Transport Services

I have shipped my household items from Qatar to India in March-12 thru a reliable (was under impression) Sea Transport Service Provider.
I found the service was very poor I could receive it almost after 6 months time & my luggage got damaged very badly.
Still one consignment is missing & now that service provider is not responding to me.
Can anyone suggest to whom & where I should approach as a froward path.
If you had the consignment cleared in India through a clearing agent he should be aware of the rules. After a cargo agent makes the shipment his responsibility almost ceases. Was your consignment insured? If yes, report the shortage to the insurers. Alternatively, contact the agent of the shipping company in India and tell them of the missing consignment. Make sure you lodge your complaint in writing. Please note that there is time limit for lodging a complaint.
Speak to the management at the company.