Qatar life expenses Example:-

Hello Every One, please correct me if wrong for Qatar life expenses:-
Income Monthly Salary: QR 17000
Total Monthly Expenses: QR 13000 (comes from Below)
•Fully furnished 2 bed apartment: QR 6000
•School Fees for 6 year old boy: QR 2000
•Food Expanses of Family(Parents + 2 kids) : QR 2000
•Living and other Expenses: QR 2500
•Mobile Expenses: QR 500
Please add your kind comments as it will help me a lot to make my final word
Best Regards to all
Soniya: Thanks I have already asked for QR 22500 they did not like it. But said they will back to me with some increase within days I will say ok if comes to QR 21000.
Pls be happy with what you receive now bcoz they are people who get paid from QR:600 to QR :5000 who live with their families here very happily .
Dont cry for what you need be happy with what you have
So it means that if we will give you an idea about few more expenses in DOHA, would your employer increase your offer to QR 20000????
Okay stil u can save couple of thousands of riyals,
Okay stil u can save couple of thousands of riyals,
Thanks. i think 17000 QR its not Good
Life styile - Economic/Normal
Income Monthly Salary: QR 17000
•Fully furnished 2 bed apartment: QR 5000/PM (yes may be 6000 PM depending on location you prefered)
•School Fees for 6 year old boy: QR 500/PM
•Food Expanses of Family(Parents + 2 kids) : QR 1500/2000 PM
Own Vehicle EMI - 1300 for tida/Corola for 5 years loan
/ Rent a car - 1300 to 1850 PM depends on type of vehicle
•Living and other Expenses: 500 (Gas/Elect/Water/ADSL/Cable)
•Mobile Expenses: QR 100 (Use Voip for International calls)