Personal Loan

Hi every one,
I was looking to have some personal loans from Islamic Banks and the Islamic Banks they rejected to me since I am working with unregistered company beside the bank. whenever I ask The islamic Banks a Loan, they will say your company is not registered to our bank. and our company is dealing with other non Islamic Banks.
I dont want take a loan from non-Islamic Banks since they are using Interest (Ribah).
So, what I can do and is there any one who can help me this matter?
Thanks all guys,
Many companies are not recogonised by the banks in Qatar. This is mainly due to the HR Department of the companies did not approach the banks to register themselves. They may think that this a head-ache for them.
...if you still insist, go to financial institutions like First Finance, AlJazeera Finance, Qatar finance house - they provide "Shariah" compliant loans
It's also called 'hypocrisy'!
how do you think the profit sharing is derived? Magic?
Go to a non-islamic bank and think "Profit Sharing" is the same
baderez is ryt...its islamic only in the document...practically both are same...
I agree with Badarez
Both Islamic and Convention are same.. the only difference is in name.. while other convention banks mention as interest , while islamic mention as profit. My co. are havng FD in both conv. & Islamic. we use to get the same amt. but on our statment narration is different.