personal assistant needed - job -

hello again !
iam a college student and i have a very heck tick life style !
iam looking for someone to relay on reminding me of dead lines it could go from submitting papers to bringing me coffee ! bottom line iam looking for someone i can relay on 24/7 for a long period of time !
if you think your the one send me your CV at [email protected]
or call me @ : 6069751 nataly
First of All : iam being very respectful with all of you and i demand respect in return watch the language its so low class Augh -_-
and ill be paying around 800 a month :) - btw coffee was a metaphor i have other people doing me that
Sonya: iam a very sick person sometimes in the middle of the year i have to travel for operation and iam studying engineering its really hard to keep track of things when iam out side :) thank you for your nice comments
Kevin : hahaha glad u laughed how needs to know how to spell these days ? yes ill be paying them Big time mind your own business :)
formatted soul ! your a very rude person first of all iam an engineer and i dont need you to tell me wt to do or wt not to do watch your language dont get fooled by the name and i have a better idea ill get my lazy A** to burn your face with that coffee ;)
Interested. Write me back [email protected]
ooohh lala, u r such a lazy person...I can't beleive that..
with this not gonna benifit much from school or college.Better quit studying and dont bother about deadlines and move your lazy A** and get you own coffee..
hi nataly!
im interested,but how much is your salary offer?here's my number +9743627791
I'm interested, but i'd like to know the monthly offer before submitting my CV.
all ads for maids in the job section....!