Paycheck of 1000 Qatari Riyal

By eric_loke1 •
Hi there, I would like to know is 1000riyal its enough for me to living in Doha, Qatar?
I got a Job Offer in Movenpick Doha, and as a hospitality fields, the lodging, meals and transport its already included. Just like to know is the 1000riyal are well-covered for my other needs like basic
groceries, toiletries, and communication.
don't put your self in the trouble. which this salary
Thanks for all the advices, really appreciate it. I am from Malaysia, although I can find jobs in my home country with the pay that more than this job offer but the reason I'm thinking bout working on board to gain experience, skills and knowledge. For your information pay for staff that working in kitchen are mostly lesser except you have a lot of working experience and knowledge(which mean u already bout in 30's lol)
Is it true that hotel in Qatar need to work for 12hours a day???(got no clue on that..)
A salary of QR1,000 is really quite small to live in Qatar considering the going rate of inflation. But honestly- this is more or less the salary that hotel crew are paid in Qatar and other GCC states.
If your contract includes free furnished accommodation, free meals, free medical coverage, free transport and other benefits, you can consider accepting it. Hotel staff here work 12 hours a day. Of these, 8 hours is for the regular work and 4 hours is overtime, which is paid extra. This means, you will earn around QR1500 per month. Work on weekly holidays is also considered as overtime.
Dont be discouraged by some of the responses. If you need the job and the money, accept it.
A salary of QR1,000 is really quite small to live in Qatar considering the going rate of inflation. But honestly- this is more or less the salary that hotel crew are paid in Qatar and other GCC states.
If your contract includes free furnished accommodation, free meals, free medical coverage, free transport and other benefits, you can consider accepting it. Hotel staff here work 12 hours a day. Of these, 8 hours is for the regular work and 4 hours is overtime, which is paid extra. This means, you will earn around QR1500 per month. Work on weekly holidays is also considered as overtime.
Dont be discouraged by some of the responses. If you need the job and the money, accept it.
If your overall package includes free meals, free furnished accommodation, free transport and free medical benefits, you can accept the job. Hotel crew are usually entitled to tips and some other incentives.
Admittedly, QR1,000 is not a really great amount in Qatar. But honestly, that's more or less what hotel and restaurant staff here are paid. The amount is somewhat consistent with hotel staff salaries in the GCC region.
Please dont compare your pay scale with that of skilled professions such as engineers etc, who would get several times more. Such comparison can only cause dissapointment.
Calculate how much QR1,000 translates to into the currency of your native country. If you live a fairly simple life here, you could save the whole salary and send it to your family back home and live off the tips here.
I know some hotel employees in Movenpick and other properties and they are reasonably happy here. It depends upon what your needs are. Also, working for the Movenpick will get you some experience in a reputed hotel, which can further boost your career prospects.
And if you are smart enough, you can always get promoted in the same hotel and get more pay.
nooo way! better to stay in your country and put up the smallest business that you can!
nowayyyyyyyyyyyy doha is so expensive! watch out. it s certainly not enough for food.
How can you live for salary of 1000 Riyals?? Even the company is providing you the other services. But even its adeqate for your basic needs. For example, if u need a license, ofcourse you can wait for atleast 3 months to make the money for it! The salary is very much low for this kind of job and if you have enough expereince on the same.. best of luck! cheers.>!
Movenpick Doha "SUCKS!"
too low
I pay my part-time maid more than that each month and she only works for me 8 hours a week.
My Filipino friend who is a waitress makes 1300 a month.
I think it would be hard to survive on that low of a salary. Illiterate laborers earn almost that amount.
Whatever nationality or work experience.. this kind oa paycheck will not take you anywhere!!
Look at "cost of living" posts on QL even though I see that your most needs are being taken care of, I doubt if its wise enough to leave your home and come over here on this rather skimpy paycheck..
very low....
Then again..if you are making less than that in your country? then give it a try...just to make your CV look better...
That is very low even for doha standards, but some people start on wage like this in doha. Do you have any experiance, and where is your home country?