Part time Work? Does required another visa or permission for MOI?
By Qatar_Engr •
Hello QLs,
Please suggest if someone already have a full time work in Qatar requires the work authorization for a part time work? Is it required to get another RP?
How's that work? Other company will require some sort
of document before giving you work to ensure the accounting?
Please suggest if someone have two RPs or if anyone know the right procedure to manage part time work?
Best Regards,
please try/apply to get another RP and we will follow....hehehe
It is illegal for an expatriate to work in more than one place, as far as I know. You stand a chance of your visa being cancelled should your present employer/sponsor know about the part time job.
You will probably find that your contract contains a clause stating that you will not take on any additional work for another party whilst under their sponsorship.