Newbie, Needing Clarification

Hi, I have been a offered a sales job in Doha where I have been offered among others; a free ( family ) accommodation, subsidized meal and free medical insurance.
For those in the know, may I ask;
a. What is a family accomodation? What type of accommodation is this normally? Do I get my own flat or just a room where I must share common areas with co-workers?
b. What does a subsidized meal mean?
c. How about the free insurance? is it like a HMO where they cover confinements due to illness?
Your answers will be most appreciated.
Thanks for the replies guys. yes, indeed the offer is ambigouos. I was actually suprised to havehad received just a single page letter of offer. is that normal? I'll try to ask my employer on details of the package.
Your prospective employer seems to leave a lot of ambiguity to his offer. Usually not a very good sign. The best person to provide you the answers you're looking for would be them.(1) Clarify the accomodation they'll be providing, is it a 1BR, 2BR, 3BR flat? or just a room in a flat.(2) I already have a lot of interpretation for a "subsidized meal". They can reimburse you for meals; they can hand you groceries every month; or they can simply provide you the meal themselves.(3) Ask to specify if it is a "private" medical insurance or is it the one provided by the state.
Have you asked the employer? It may vary from one employer to another.Usually family accomodation is your own flat (or possibly villa - which I doubt in your case)Subsidized meals - they either give you $$ or provide an actu meal at your workplace I would assume.Medical insurance uslly means private cover - which may or may not be adequate available with a health provider you prefer.Better to ask them for clarification.