Need Help in passing a car inspection test
By Putra.kamal •
I have a Nissan Altima 2007, and isthimara are due to expire in January 2010, so I took them to get a preliminary car inspection to see whether it passes. Unfortunately it failed due to 3 things : small chip in the front windsceen, small scratch in the door, and a foggy glass in the front headlight. It cost me 3000 Qrs just to change the windscreen in the Nissan workshop, very expensive. Therefore I am looking a garage that could assist me in getting these fixed or replace to get the istimara extension and I wouldn't mind paying 1000 Qrs, does anybody know a garage/repair shop that could provide such service ? Thanks in advance.
Don,t worry my friend I will guide you for main glass of your car don,t go company go to Industrial area 26 st there is Al,Faras shop for body parts very cheap you will be able to change the main glass also they have links to change main glass peoples. I think it will not cost more then 500 Qr. Second Go to Bosh in opposite side of Qatar Inspection Building they will polish your head lights it become acceptable for inspection they will not charge you more then 100 qr.And about scratch,s well wash your car and go that is legal fault not for technical you will be able to pass going one r two times to police.
by preliminary car inspection test, do you mean you didn't take it for the actual road test?
The points you mention appear to be very minor, the inspector must have got out of the wrong side of bed.
I have passed with seriously dangerous faults like a worn steering idler, busted link rods, shot control arms, knackered track rods and shot shock absorbers. Road test here is a waste of time. There is more emphasis on bouncing around from dept to dept - collecting stamps on your arse. Or come back tomorrow - khalas now.
Relax its easy to pass the test.