My Ex-Girl Friend

I told my ex girl friend that I cant get along with our relationship and I found some one else. She was mad at me and cried which I can understand. But now she has moved to my house with her stuff and not leaving. I am really confussed what to do next???? We are not married and you know qatari laws dont permit so. Any advise/suggestions?????????????? But I cant marry her thats for sure.
just for your information body, i'm dating with your new GF hahahahha :)))
Rockz the best answere I have seen for a long
ahhh bad dont even think what your X feel for what you have done?then after all your asking for advised for what she did..SELF FISH!!
The ones who r on the girls side well cant get in and out relationships whenever one wants.There is something called cant get onto flings to find the rt person.Can this guy be sued in the court for breach/betrayal of trust?can the girl go to a labour court?help her out.
The ones who r on the girls side well cant get in and out relationships whenever one wants.There is something called cant get onto flings to find thr rt person.Can this guy be sued in the court for breach/betrayal of trust?can the girl go to a labour court?help her out.
Give me your address and i will report it to CID deserve that buddy...i hope your sister will not experience what you've done to your ex.
he is posting his lovelife to catch attention...
he is posting his lovelife to catch attention...
f* her brain out!
Williams, you dumped your girlfriend for another girl? You are a sad person. And you told her that you found someone else? LOL I'm glad she moved in with you. Maybe she will teach you a few lessons in life.
Nastic Broooooooooooot..!!
Too bad, you dont have any heart at all toward her. Eventhough once you ever fallen in love to her.
Once she was your sweetheart and today she's a big problem.
I felt no sorry for what she did. At least she should take revenge.
Of course you cant marry her..
- you are already married!
- you dont need her anymore
Wait for the day when your new girlfriend kick your A**.
I sincerely wish your newish GF will meet with your old gf soon and they both will push you down from your balcony.. so that they can both live happily ever after in your
It's funny how people started to use the LAW as an excuse, when in fact they have lived not minding its existence? You cheated on your GF, and you expect everyone to have pity on you? Throw her stuff out the window!! I know you wouldn't mind coz you never think of her feelings when you had another relationship.
Tell her she needs to leave the house. If she won't, while she's at work, change the lock of your apartment and put all her stuff in a bag ang put it in the trash. don't show up for a week. then you can ask your new GF to find an apartment for both of you. After 1 month, start looking for another girl, post your story in QL, and repeat the whole process starting from reminding people about the LAW of living together when not married all the way to throwing her stuff out the window.
Hope this helps! >:->
BUDDY, HAVE FUN!!! just kidding (Nice Soap....please continue us posted the progress)
At a serious note; bring your new GF to your house and let her manage the situation.
"One female may (mis)understand another".
Lets some female answer you better than this but no scolding please. HE IS IN REAL TROUBLE
explain her what consequences might happen to both of you if she would not stop pestering you.
Your the guy who found someone else and want to dump your girl friend ... i hope one day you will get into the same situation and then you will reliase what goes aroound comes around .
Hahaha! That's so funny :o)
Payback is a real bitch ain't it.
If you cant do the time, dont do the crime..
only one option for you commit suicide you and thats good she is livin with you now.
and if you try to report police you both will be under investigation and both deported.
why do you always have to update us with your love life?
is it a soap or something? lol!
Let her have the apartment and go find a new place to live.