Moving to Ghana - Any Ghanians out there in QL
I'm about to move to Accra/Ghana. It's for an indefinite amount of time with a job opportunity, and I wanted to know if there are any other young expats I could talk with about their experiences in Accra, places to live, things to do, etc.
I'm big on local culture, sports, name it. I'm really excited but a little timid, as this will be my first visit to the African continent.
Any friendly input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks syedarh & Hussam for valuable inputs.
BTW does any one of u have an idea of cost of living, Ex; House Rent, Living Expenses, Mobile, Internet, Transptation & etc...
You can use the use the Kena,as a medicine to prevent having malaria
Ghana is a very peaceful country in Africa and having lived there as an expat I would suggest that it will be a nice move. Only Advice.take some malarial medicines with you before you go or get the vaccination for malaria..the rest is all fine and cost of living is much cheaper than go and ENjoy
Ghana is a nice place to live. Living cost is cheaper than here. There you are free to do anything. No restrictions. there are Clubs, bars and restaurants. They you can save better money and live like a king
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