motorbike license
By lostindoha •
how ca i get a motorbike license here in doha..? i already asked karwa driving school.. they told me go direct to the traffic dept, take bike drive test and that's all.. but, is it required to have a driving license for a 4-wheel vehicle before i can get a motorbike license? anyone knows?
1st if you have motorbike licence from ur country it's ok you will do same way if not so i will tell you
1- go to madinatkhalifa traffice department and fil an applecation with ur picture and make eye test there .....then if you have licence from ur country ok go direct to any school then they will do test for you ...if not just go to police oofcier and then ask him ti sigen ur paper as approval to get motorbike driving licence.....then after that go doha school or qatar school they will do test for u that set and get licence
Death wish
good luck staying alive driving a motorcycle in Doha traffic.
thank you.. u saved me...
No you do not need a 4 wheeler license. You can apply directly for 2 wheeler license. Just go to the closest traffic dept and they will help you filling the application in arabic.