The challenge of getting your child vaccinated in Qatar...

Mission Vaccination!
3:30 pm- The H family leaves home. To Mesiameer Health Center (as planned)- their specified primary health center (as they have a government health card). Simple task- Get Z her 4 month vaccinations. Estimated time for entire task (including transit)- 1 hour.
4:00 pm- Enter Mesiameer Health center and find the “Well- baby clinic”
4:05 pm- Locate receptionist in black abaya, J whips out all of Z’s cards and documents (hospital records) and say she is due for her 4 month shots. Abaya aunty redirects J to not so friendly looking nurse- lady in pink
4:10 pm- Nurse lady in pink hears J out, shakes her head and says “ Sooory Madaaam, nu appointment for 3 months, kindly speak to reception”. Does not specify which reception (there are reception counters in every corridor and J had just spoken to the one in the clinic that they were in). Nurse leaves as she speaks.
4:15 pm- J stares at the wall in front of her. So lil Z will be atleast 7 months old when she gets her 4 months’ vaccinations. Okay. Information processed. Now, locate above mentioned “reception”.
4:15 pm to 4: 25 pm – J meanders along corridors looking for aforementioned elusive reception while Mr H and Z hang out at the “well baby” reception. J talks to help desk…is re –directed to another reception which actually turns out to be the “well baby reception”. How poetic. Life came full circle.
4:30 pm- Another nurse in pink- this time smiley and friendly looking, enters clinic. Mr H nudges J to follow her and explain predicament. J does so. Smiley nurse is kind. Speaks to J and explains politely that this is how things work in highly back-logged government health centers. Gives J the next earliest appointment. Writes it down on Z’s immunisation card. J thanks her in delight. Looks at the card. Appointment on 07/10/14. Blink. Blink. J has another open mouthed stare at the wall moment.
To read more....please visit the original blog....
Wonderfully written
Many "third- world" countries vaccinate their children by the millions every year.... and Qatar Airways economy seats are as cramped as any other international airlines.. Business class is not extra special either!..The food and service is so, so as nothing "5 star" about it....
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