Living Cost in Doha

Good Morning, This is my second visit to this blog. This time I am thinking very seriously on an offer from a Doha based company. I am bit confuse regarding living cost in Doha. Also not sure about other stuff like salary, Income tax, rent, utilities and heath expense.I have an offer of QR12200 (salary) +QR7000 rent+ Car health + return ticket for a month/year. They didn’t mentioned what are the coverages included in health?what do u think if i get accomodation offered by the company instead of house rent?
I am making even more then this in Canada but as you guys knows no saving and too much cold here so I would like to check out middle east see if can do better? What u guys think? Please don’t hesitate to say anything in response to this.You can email me at toronto.guy[AT] if you don’t feel comfortable here. Regards,Dan
and also consider your social life ... alot of bachelor guys complained that dating scene in doha sucks ...
Ditto the above. The fact is that most people are in Qatar to make money, not because the country itself attracted them. I wouldn't recommend coming unless your 'take home' pay is significantly greater than what you get at home.
Dan ... i would go with Ragnarock Advice, we wont be here if not bcause money.
I don't know what your situation is like in Canada...but the only time I would advise someone to come to the middle east is if they can make MORE sacrifice a few years to secure your future.
Again without knowing all your particulars, if you can make more in Canada, then my honest advise is don't bother to relocate....but others may the end its your call....whatever you decide....good luck my friend.
Stay safe.
Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?
fear enough ! are you single or with family ? do you have a kids ? who will cover school expanses (if you have a kids)? you may read a lot of posts in this site about the same subject ! there is people still leaving in doha with much, much less salary and they survive ! so you don't have anything to lose try good luck ! there is no income tax in DOHA, but the food and rent become sooooooo high !