Lifie in Qatar

I'm 24 year old. I have a Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Telecommunication and I'll be in my first Master year. I'll want tot find a job in Qatar but I have some conditions and I want to know if I will be able to have them. Firstly I'll want to save every month 1000 - 1500 $ then I want to have accommodation + transport + medical insurance + 4 - 5 trips home/year. I want to rent/buy a car in one year - I have to save addition money for that. I have 1 year relevant experience in my filed of work. I want to know if all I want is possible, is really possible.
Best regards,
waky how many years experience did you say you had?
Wacky.. You need to Wakey up..
1, You want to save 1k to 1.5K USD, that's between 3 to 5K QAR, which is by long shot, will be offered to you as basic. So if you wanna save it, it means you don't and you won't spend anything, which again means that you won't eat anything.
2. For the accomodation, the best that you can have is shared one, meaning you'll live in a villa or flat with a room mate, meaning sharing one room.
3. Your 3rd request of multiple travel is what puzzles me? Do you really want to work here or just pass by and go home frequently? I think you're not serious. How long is travel time to Romania? I'm asking because when I was in Shanghai, China, I did go home 6 times, and the longest is one week but mostly Friday night to Monday morning schedule. It's a two hour flight so it's just like coming from the province. And I pay for my tickets.
So goodluck to you, actually, MANY GOODLUCK to you! You'll need it!
i guess u are really a wacky guy...keep on dreaming..
i'm so happy again to see your comment... wink..wink...:)
what a nice way to end this day... :)
Moderator and Colt's reply same same or similar :-)
Hey,Mods come good! waky....take note!You asked for certainly got it1
Not on a romanian passport, you would not be entitled for western allowance given to citizens of west european/north americans. Also, CCNA is not a top skill, if you have CCIE in multiple specialities, that may get your dreams true.
Don't give up hope ... let's back track:
Firstly I'll want to save every month 1000 - 1500 $ OK - IF YOU ARE PAID qr5000 LIVE FRUGALLY AND SAVE MOST OF IT IT'S POSSIBLE
then I want to have accommodation + transport + medical insurance - NORMAL CONTRACT HERE, THOUGH EXPECT TO SHARE ACCOM WITH SEVERAL OTHER STRANGERS
I want to rent/buy a car in one year AS PER C45 CARS ARE CHEAP BUT YOU'LL NEED qr7000 OR SO TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN
I have 1 year relevant experience in my filed of work. NOT REALLY ENOUGH. MOST EMPLOYERS ARE LOOKING FOR 5 MINIMUM
I want to know if all I want is possible, is really possible. POSSIBLE, YES, LIKELY, I'M AFRAID NOT.
For your experience all the work you have here is to install some systems and see to it that they work. Do you deserve all these for that?
rest is ok..u can save bit more here..4-5 trips wil ruin u. ;-)
For a young and only 1 year experience, I think those are not possible. Maybe two tickets in a year for a single status, yes.
oh and as far as going home, your like an indentured servant here, tied to the land for a year.
You could make that much, without a car, but youll be living in a company labor camp which is a room in a shared temporary houseing cabin (like a school portable).
The people who hire here are not the locals, they arent ignorant and made of money and they are up on current events. If all the countries had really strong economies then you might be ok, but your trying to get on board way to late in the game to take advantage of the middle east being a lame place to live. There are plenty of people like you (me) who had a very different idea of what the job market would be like when you entered school versus when you got out. The whole world is on the ropes except this place because they were really lucky to inherit a massive natural gas supply. Many people are trying to take advantage of this country and it has made it a buyers market for the employers.
Oh, and this country loves to take advantage of the other asian cultures, specifically indians and filipinos who they can pay considerably less.
Good luck, but dont get your hopes up.
[Mod's note: Do not post messages which support or condone any illegal activities, such as drug use!]
What planet is this guy from?! Get real, man! This is QATAR!
ROFLing. Not a chance kid. Wake up and smell the coffee, to get a job like that you need experience. Hows about you push some paper for a couple of years scraping by on 9,000 QR and THEN we'll talk 14,000 or 18,000 WITH accommodation. LOL
Your not asking for a lot are you....I think we would all be happy if we got what you are asking for. Be realistic...
Okey then 14000 - 18000 QR + all that I said above / month is possible ? With 1 Year experience + CCNA? is okay ?
I needa change of company ;-)
Colt, some do pay for 2 trips/year......but 4-5....which is work and which is holiday?
I get 3 tickets every year paid by company being on single status may be if you are single and continue that way you may...not sure though if the company you may join also would follow this..:)
don't give him false hope! We have so many desperados here in Qatar! Lol!
Firstly I'll want to save every month 1000 - 1500 $ - POSSIBLE.
then I want to have accommodation + transport + medical insurance - POSSIBLE
4 - 5 trips home/year - HELL NO, 1 or 2 trips, but company will pay for only 1. If they pay for 2, lemme know and I will join them too ;-)
I want to rent/buy a car in one year - I have to save addition money for that - NO need to save money if you wanna buy a car, you can do that as soon as you get your RP here. Besides, there is no down payment on cars, you can pay monthly.
Hope that helps!
I think this is will not happen at all
back to bed!
Apply to Bill Gates, maybe you can get those perks!
Colt I understand that but I want to know if is possible to have this .... the salary what will be ....? 2500 - 3000 $ I can have a normal life + accommodation + medical + transport + 1 - 2 trips home .... 14000 - 18000 QAR? This is possible ?
With 1 year of relevant experience, most of those are highly unlikely and 4-5 trips home/year is almost impossible.
In Qatar you don't lay the conditions, the conditions lay you ;-)
The rest is possible
+ you can travel 28 times a year - During weekends.
Ok 1 - 2 trips home / year. But the rest?
4 - 5 trips home/year
Not going to happen - you'll get ONE. Two if you are VERY lucky