Life in qatar,,, boooorrrrriiiinnnnnggg!!!!!!

By cathyindoha •
hi guys
Im one of the younger members of Qatar living and thought i should just put my say out there
Does anyone get really bored here and feel that their day consists of the same routine , over and over again. I do, and was wondering if anyone knew why life is like that here? Back home i never use to be so tired after work, when it comes to the weekend i dont feel like doing anything. So my social life takes a strain
Maybe everyone should just list things that we can do here that are fun. Things that can be done as a family or alone. I surely need some help as i find life here quite boring
Thanx every1
I hope with time u will be ok. If i may suggest to u a good way to fill your spare time, try to get some info about the country's religion (Islam). It is the best way to feel linked wity your Creator- the spiritual link which will fill your soul and mind with pleasure and energy.
I may help you with some good articles, websites and other material if u like.
best regards.
You can do any thing to don't feel boring and also if you have friends it's good for you.
no i dont want to go home, wow what sympathy:/
i didnt say i never have fun
iv never met so many amzing people before and the experience has been great!!!
maybe its just the "no energy" thing that gets to me and was wondering if i was the only one
If your'e a catholic you can always find time to visit the Blessed Sacrament and reflect especially this lenten season...
qatar is not boring but it is quite place..its on you how u spend it...
i love it every weekend funs, bowling, billiard, hangout with friends and lots more...just try to adjust ourself with our timing and go out often...
Well if you are a newcomer your bound to get bored. guess it happens to everybody. but gradully you need to take the initative to be adventerous and get interested. lots of stuff to do in Qatar believe me! there was a time i wanted to run back. now its like wanting to get back to qatar everytime am on leave. best of luck!
Fun in Qatar? rare bird...
Pick up some part time job and relax, chill out in the malls in evenings with friends/family.
Look out for travel promotions to visit your home at 4/5 times in a year.
of course because the very first reason is climate condition is not friendly here you can find weekly some how there is sand strom or dusty air fill. second no public park which is quite place, third all malls and markets are full in weekend i mean very crowd at last every one knows that is busy road allways trafic conjuction. WE HAVE TO WAIT AT LEAST 3 YEAR TO SEE A ANOTHER SINGAPORE
its either take the advice of brin (recommended) or the advice of all the other ql's. good luck!
wahaha...Go back Home Cathy.take care!
so mean and rude..
gosh! What a tommyrot question/person.haha
Hi CathyinDoha....
Its tough.... but, I think a lot of that stems from being an expat. It takes time to develop relationships and also a social routine.
We live in a country where we have to look for things to do that are of interest where unlike at home, we know what there is to do and there's just lots and lots to choose from.
It all comes down to establishing what you like to do.
i've actually found Doha to be more relaxing to me. The last 8 years abroad (in a few different countries), I've really pushed the 'work hard play hard' thing so coming here was easy for me because I wanted to chill a bit - hang out at the pub with people I've met, drive around a bit, walk on the corniche, just chill.
The one thing I think we all agree on is that Qatar literally makes people physically tired. I know there was some kind of formal study conducted on this not too long ago where a determination was the air quality (not even so much the heat during summer) which truly made people tired much more quickly. I found myself within 6 weeks of being here wanting to sleep more and more and sleeping in until 11 or 12 on weekends vs. getting up at 8 a.m. as I'd always have.
I'd found a book club as well (never thought I'd do that).. share a bottle of wine or two and gab.
Google some things out and see what sounds fun.
Lol, gud reply..
If you feel bored why not leave Qatar. As you say you were ok back home so you can get back.