Leave your beloved Children with Dogs?

By just4qatarliving •
Is it good that we leave our children with animals like dogs and pigs? everybody loves his baby but what about keep them with these type of animals? I feel very ugly to think about it.
yah!you are so ugly about it.do you think there is a pig here in qatar?animal just like a dog is not a shit,just like what other people think,if you hate animal this is my advice to you my friend!much be carefull around you because a lot of animal atittude around us here.just observe.all you have to do is,dont leave your children alone at home.dont be rude to animals.thats it!!!
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Peace be with you}}}}}}}}}}}}
I don't understand what the problem with dogs is (and you can't get pigs here). Dogs are lovely animals!
I think you'll be safe in Qatar. No pigs here :o)