Job Opportunity..

By nithu_maha •
Hi I am an Indian lady working currently as an online Document formatter / Market analyst. Looking for full time job opportunites in Qatar.
Qualifications: Postgradute in Biotechnology, Diploma in NanoBiotechnology, pursuing certification in clinical research. Good communication skills and computer knowledge. 2 yrs part time experience as office assistant.
Can anyone help me with job offers that suits my eligibility?
Willing to relocate. Visa needed.
(Being Indian, I was not able to post a job classified in QL.)
I do post and update my CV in and also i do apply for jobs there. Some other sites asking for registration fees and al. Thats why I am trying through other alternatives like Qatarliving with a hope that I can find a right job.
I wonder why I am not able to post as I can see a lot of replies that Indians can post.
Please advice.
I don't think that these explanations will help someone to offer you a job. Try to post your request in the classifieds along with a detailed CV, which may be more effective. Anyway, good luck...
I am presently in India.
And i am still not able to post classified in Ql. It just shows me the following message "This service is only available to people within Qatar. If you think this is an error please report it here."
I reported.. DIdnt receive a feedback yet from QL team..
Help Required.
You may use the number of your friend here in Qatar as your contact number.
Online job sites may also help you to find jobs here in DOha.
Here are the online job site where you can apply for a job
click here for online job sites
Where are you living at present ??
You have mentioned willing to relocate?
Irespective of Caste,colour,creed or Sex can post in classified provided u r living in qatar
It shows me only people living in qatar can post!!!
Did u mean "why" for not being able to post in classifieds??
Why you cant post in QL Classified? Indian can.