job offer with Education Institute, Supreme Education Council

By hornbill73 •
I have a job offer from Education Institute of the Supreme Education Council. My package consists of a gross salary of 10000 QAR, fully furnished housing with electricity bills taken care , medical insurance, 15% of my annual basic salary for my child's education, annual business class round trip for me and my family. I need your help on the following:
1. Is education institute a good place to work?
2. Is the offer good enough for me, my wife and one-year old daughter?
3.I hear that the cost of living at Doha is very high. Will I be able to manage with this salary.
Many thanks in advance for responding to my questions
I agreed
thanks for the inputs. I appreciate the time taken by all.
Agree with PM salary on the low side. Im here with wife and one child. Prices here have risen. Try and ask for higher salary see what they say.
Again it all depends on what your purpose is? If you want to save then you'll find it difficult to save alot. we spend around 4000qr a month on food and general expenses.
Also check out your medical policy to see if there are any excess to be paid for your visits to doctor/hospital.
I would say the salary is on the low side. Western mainscale teachers are getting anything from 11k to 17k per month plus all the benefits you mentioned, but we only travel coach class.
Unfortunately you seem to be having the 'race' salary applied in your case. Ask what a westerner would be paid at the same job and ask them to match it.
I don't go to mythical places with strange men.
-- Douglas Adams, The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul.