i would like to get qatari passport

By prince1983 •
hi, i am working in qatar, from last four years, due to some reason i must have to get qatari passport. but i do not know what are documents they required. thereofore i like to get help from qatarliving community.
Daydreaming is free but not funny mr. prince1983
Daydreaming is free but not funny mr. prince1983
LOL dude... you made me laugh hard. You're either ignorant about the fact that you're not allowed a Qatari Passport in your case, or you're plain stupid!!!
NO WAY, unless you have TOP level wasta and if you did, you wouldn't be asking here ;-)
No chance.
Try with Israeli secret services Masood. They are good at making duplicates.
a big NO!
Also there are Qataris who don't have a passport the whole issue of 'bidoons' or stateless citizens is a big political/human rights issue here and across the Arab world. A legacy of the nomadic bedouin ways.
The only non-sporting people i know of with Q passport is one person who is half Gulf Arab with an extremely strategic job.
What possible reason could there be that you MUST have a Qatari passport?!?!?!?!?
You've created this account just to post this question!!! What are your true intentions
wake up n smell the coffee.. more easy to get Canadian, UK or French... and those are better places anyway without artificial live and society
so better try your luck somewhere else if there is a real need for it
go to souq hiraaj you will find there a used one
Answer is simple : You can't ...
Oryx is more tha right prince.
That is not something like you go to a Gov Office with some paperwork and say "Here are my documents, now give me a Qatari passport".
Whatever the reason is please think twice before posting, or you could be going into trouble for asking such things (that could be perceived as illegal) on a public forum monitored by the autorities.
LOL - that is funny
You only get a Qatari passport if you play sport for a national team. And even then you dont have full rights and it is on a piece of string.... you will only be able to use it to go in and out of the country for sporting events.
Do you mean a work visa? which most us humble imported minions have?