I wonder how people are surviving with such low salaries?

I wonder how people are surviving with such low salaries when cost of living in Qatar is so high. The reality is that most of Qatar work force (80-90%) is foreigners. Among them most are from India, Nepal, Filipinos, Sri Lanka and other poor countries. As everybody knows that (and government of Qatar fully support that) there is no any basic salary provision here. You are paid according to your passport rather than your qualification, skills and experience. Salary rate is declining everyday in Qatar. Cunning private business people are using every tricks (making use of Qatar slavery labour Law full extents) to lower salary rate. Even very sad that Indians are accepting those salaries and spoiling the market for themselves and for others. Salary of engineers in most cases never cross QR 10k per month- where as a villa rent range from QR 20K-35K per month. Most of Indian working below QR 5K per month. There are many whose salary range below QR3K and even QR 2K. And about labour just QR 500 per month. Most of contractor has fixed that salaries and some ever don't pay them two three months. I know from my friends that even UK & USA companies are paying less than QR 10K for their engineers from India, Filipino, Sri Lanka etc. (Not of course for UK or USA engineers). It seems that in Qatar everyone (every company) has licence to buy and keep slaves (employee and workers bounded by their passport seize and need exit permit to leave country).
I know that there are millions of people around the world live under poverty who earns less than US$ 2 per day. But that does not imply that Qatar government & Qatari (World 5th richest country with per capita of US$ 80K) should close the eye and treat people in their own countries who are building Qatar.
I am wondering how people are coping with all those pains where are government knowing these close their eyes.
Bleu I wish your words are true so that I can buy you as a slave and teach you difference between slaves and sponshorship. I love to have Qatari Slave and some other Arabs.... What do you think?
Slavery is SHAME on the face of HUMAN Being on this EARTH, specially in 21st century. There is great punishment from GOD for such people who promote or give different form/name and make different law to promote SLAVERY. Read some of the world HUMAN RIGHT REPORT (Blue), they have mentioned- SPONSHORSHIP rule is just another form of (or Promoting) SLAVERY.
ASKME, i believe u had your own level of contentment in life - maybe a higher standard than others. Let's not forget the old proverb,"Someone gets out of the kitchen if one can't take the HEAT".
Bleu defines SLAVERY prudently. Labours come in Qatar conscientiously not BY FORCE,they are knowledgeable beforehand of the delicate SITUATION they are going in, that's why if you'll ASKME...PROBABLY THAT'S THE REASON, THEY SURVIVED.
Let's give respect to Qatar Government / Companies...they are the HOSTS and we only play as the VISITORS. If they saw visitors not coming back or declining in numbers just like what VICTOR BHAT is cautioning about Dubai in the years past, well my guess is as good as yours - that only TIME would TELL or TEACH them...what's APPROPRIATE for everyone !!! Salamat Po.
the same thing regarding the salary i have posted in the topic "qatarisation on hold" and got fantastic mind boggling answers.people on ql c the lanuguage insted of the context,dts ridiculous.
what is market?where the things,animals are on sale.In old age human was also.
now in this new age there is market name human resorces and human from each corner of world have its value(price) hire or purchase very little different.
before 3 decades I was at trafic for my test.with me there was one Indian brother.I asked his salary he said 300 qrs.I amazed. He told me I have ad bedroom,full food and I am driving Cadilac,which I can not touch in my country and they give me 1000 rupees salary.Who will give it in my country?(at that time 300 qrs = 1000 inr)
He said I am happiest person in world.
There are thousands of labourers working in construction or for cleaning have average salry may be only 500QR only and further mre it is not paid on time,and they have to wait for months.The quality of food and accomdation is horrible,especially in labor camps Alkhor.Mesaid and Dukhan etc.
You don't know what slavery is, sponsorship is nothing compared to slavery... Let me be sarcastic here:
If we had slavery, things would be much better for the businesses.
You buy them once, and you can use them 24/7 until they die, or you sell them, and their only expenses are the food and clothes you give them.
Get both males and females and mate them to get the next generation of workers for free. Keep the kids with their parents, it gives them less of a reason to escape. When you sell one, make sure his parents think he tried to escape and got shot by the police - that's a good rumor to circulate.
Make sure you educate the kids and train them for the jobs you need, this will both help your business and increase the net value of your company.
Training is not a waste of time, they can't work for anybody else, anywhere in the world.
p.s. make sure you have discipline in the ranks, you don't want them to rebel, set-up a hierarchy of slaves and give the most obedient ones extra benefits.
This is what we called Exploitation of humans by humans!
One could realise only when HE himself in such circumstances or situations. All rich people very well aware of the problems in the asia's sub-continent countries and try to exploit as much as they can...they should know and remember The SITUATION HAPPENED IN DUBAI a year back! When this labourer revolt; check Gulf News!
This question should have been posted in the forum or in the blog where you will receive much more detailed answers
this is not a matter of choice but chance...
They are coping because they are praying and being hopeful that some day everything would turn in their favor.
Like most of the foreign people here, the thinking is "it is better to work in Qatar than in our HOME COUNTRY because of the local economic crisis".
If these foreign people have stable job in their own country, majority would not be here.
Its all matter of time and situations, friend.
Our Life is completely controlled by situations.
Situations force a human being do anything and everything.
If I am earning 26k a month - I might not get even 2600 a month next year, and I should be prepared for best as well as worse in Life and live accordingly.
Its all about time and situation!!!
With all my heart, help & sympathies to those classes,
- Yp -
I've shared a similar idea to Soniya's in some earlier post :)
Askme, let me ask you: how do people survive jobless?!
put your thoughts in a blog, not in an Q&A portion. it's a rhetorical question.
ASKME, ask me how i m managing my life here? Its somewat true that some people of some countries have spoiled their market on their own...Every people have some problems back to their home country..So when they get the job offer other then their home country, they feel like to grab it at any cost..U never know, they must be saving from tat meagre part of salary as well..
I m working in a company where i have come across with the salaries of labours (INDIA, BANGLADESH)almost near QR 500-800..We deduct some MESS amount from their total salary and + many of them have taken loans as well..U just imagine,after deducting all these, their salary for one month sometime comes only QR 100-50..
This is what life is ASKME..Its much for them whereas v feel pity on them...U tell me, how a government can help in this?? if people r accepting low wages, its gud for them..All wants to extract much work with less pay..