By daudkhel78 •
hello everybody,
i need your suggestion and ideas about the renewal of car registration.
1. whether i have to take third party insurance first?
2. then i can go for technical inspection or i can go directly for technical inspection after that i will get insurance.(labanise insurance company)
anybody knows what are the timings of insurance companies? and what are the timings of technical inspection at wakra center?
and what are the timings of immigration center for getting my new istamara?
thanks in advance
if any body have some experience about technical inspection procedure that what kind of inspection they will make and how much time it will take?
Technical inspection service locations and timings.
ref below link
For inspection you need registration paper and inspection fees.
timing maximum -30 mints
if you go to industrial area after 12:30PM you can completed faster inspection and you can complete all the formalities
Dear Friend,
First of all you have to go to technical inespection after get pass your car from there you have to stamp the inespection documents from traffic department & after you haVE to renew insurance after will go to traffic department for renwal of registration.
the insurance company timing is 7:00AM till 1:00PM