I need to send a package. UPS? FedEx? DHL? QPOST?

Hello. First of all, in a few weeks or so I will be trying to send out a parcel (a box of headphones) as a gift to a friend of mine in United States. The headphone themselves is quite expensive (Dr. Dre. 700 QR). And I wonder which packaging service should I use considering my package is highly important and expensive? DHL? I heard some people said in QL that we need to always keep up with them and contact them all the time? Is that true? Or should I go with FedEx? Or UPS? Or QPOST?
Please tell me a little bit more in details about how all these companies differ. How many days does it take the receiver to get the package we sent with those companies? Any problems with those companies?
So I really need some detailed answers to this, because I am very new to this parcel posting services. And please when answering my question, bear in mind that my package is quite expensive.
Thanks! I need replies ASAP.
I would go for DHL. Quite happy with their service.
I would go for DHL. Quite happy with their service.
i agree.. infact we buy stuff from the US and ship it here :) will save you a fortune !
Why not just buy them from an online store and have them deliver to him in USA. You'll probably get them cheaper and have more chance of them arriving.