i got offer to work in jubali. pacakge is 1650SR with acomodation and transportation.. is this good or not ?

By sunil20587 •
Hello Everyone!
I am sunil from india. I got offer to work in jubali with the package of 1650 Sr+ Acomodation+Transportaion.
Please tell about the cost of Food for a month only vegetrain. Can i save money if i expance on food from my salry.. please advice me ...
The companies name is Elite Khonaini Co. Ltd.
POST IS : Shipping Assistant
Working location: Al-Jubail - Saudi Arabia
Transportation - company
Accommodation - Company accommodation and in the absence of company accommodation allowance as per Saudi law
Medical - As per govt regulations free medical.
Reply Please
Too low salary.
hello everone thks for your reply. I am single. Desigination i will get will be shipping assitance.
That is too big enough for you.
yes. you can save money. Do not ask lot of comments from everyone.
It wouldnt have matter if u dint mention your name..but not mentioning your position offered does!
now reply!!
It wouldnt have matter if u dint mention your name..but not mentioning your position offered does!
now reply!!
For Single bachelor , SR 7000 +Accomodation +transportation should be OK . SR 1500 is maid's salary in KSA . No idea what position you are applying for .
Anything below 7000 SR -not worth a go unless you are desperate like the story below :-
There was Lion in a Zoo ,in India who always wanted to live lavishly in Dubai or Bahrain or Qatar . So once he got an opportunity to go to Dubai Zoo and he was happy , as the Zoo people planned to shift him to Dubai Zoo .
He imagined airconditioned cage , meat -4 times a day and a changed place for him .
Upon reaching Dubai Zoo the first day , the zoo people gave him nice cage and food 4 times a day . He was happy and slept well that night . The next day they moved him to another cage in the scortching heat of 40 Deg C . He hoped to get food 4 times a day but got only once a day.
This happened daily and finally he realised that , he was happier in the Zoo in India , where people cared for him .
Moral of the Story for You :- Better to be a LION in your home country than to be a goat in an alien country .
Perception is Different , Reality is Different .
Do Not move , unless you are aware of the Ground Realities .
I hope this is Jubail in KSA, it's an industrial area I hope. 1650SR is not a good salary at all, but it depends on your situation. If you are desperate to have a job, then go ahead with this, best of luck!
Are you missing a '0' at the end of 1650 - if not, dont come.
We, can only comment after knowing which position you are offered. Please be more specific in order not to waist time...
Dear Sunil,
you will have to be more specfic. Let us know the position you have been selected for and the family status, married or single? Kids or no kids? Education or no Education? etc...
In general, if you are single and earning 3000 SR, based on what I have seen in KSA. You will be happy to live there.
I think you mean Al Jubail industrial City in KSA,
What kind of job is been offered to you so we can know if the package is reasonable or not.
But anyway it's unpleasant place to stay, that was my impression when I saw it.
Galloper - oops, missed that!
In which case SR1650 is a great salary as a street sweeper, but not too hot for CEO. What is the position you are being offered?
Hey bladrick2dogs looking at the monetary sign after the numbers I would guess it is Saudi; and I quote
1650 SR
Anyway let's wait and see the response.
Where is Jubali?
Do you mean Jubail, KSA, or Jebel Ali, UAE?