i am training to become a hairdresser and would like to know how i move to Qatar
By jackielovestochat •
hi i am training to become a hairdresser i have 2 years left and i would like to move to Qatar after i finish my training i live in the UK i just like to know how i move do i need a visa were i would live and how much would it be is there many jobs there for hairdressing and how much would i get a month i have a partner and 2 children will i earn enough to support them
my partner comes from Iran and is a electrician but that's his job sorted just need to know what jobs good for a woman over there
An Engineer with a lot of experience
thank you for answering my question what type off job pays enough for a family
thank you for answering my question what type off job pays enough for a family
Sorry to burst your bubble but beauty salon workers live in dorm accommodation and earn a very low salary.
Maybe 3000QR a month. Less than a 1000US.
The posher places in the hotels will only pay a little more but still not enough to bring a family
Sorry, non-married partners are not legal in Qatar.
Sorry, non-married partners are not legal in Qatar.