Highway patrols on Qatar roads

The Ministry of Interior (MOI) has announced that starting sometime next year, Qatar will introduce a newly-trained Highway Patrol Police force.
After a month long course, a partnership between RasGas and MOI, taught at the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety (NUCPS), the first batch of 50 students graduated last Thursday.
The course included features such as training on traffic crash investigation techniques, advice on how to deal with the public, driver interviewing skills, vehicle inspection and Qatari traffic law awareness. Other objectives such as identifying and booking common violations like tailgating, mobile phone use, and failing to wear a seat belt. The patrols were also taught how to use new technologies such as radar guns.
This strategy aims on improving road safety records in the country. According to statistics from HMC injuries caused by road traffic accidents account for one out of every eight deaths (12.5 %) in Qatar. This makes road accidents the country’s leading cause of death.
Source: Doha News
Photo credit: Antony Satheesh
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The main cause of accident is hard shoulder breaking and sudden line change
cue a barrage of cynical comments from the die hard skeptics..