Food Expenses

By dukedaniel •
Hai All,
Could you pl help me to get the Food expenses for a month in Doha. they've fixed my basic sal as QR4500 and it is still under nego.. Accomodation will be given.
Thankyou in advance.
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You are the only one trying to provide good answers.
1) What would be the Monthly Food Expenses in Qatar Riyals for a Indian Family (Husband, Wife = 2 Children age > 5) assume Vegetarian food and cooking at home(Full month (No Eating out).
2) What would be the cost of a Dinner for the above family in a good Restaurant. Assume Vegetarian.
3) What is the current price of Whole Milk for 2 liters
4) What is the Inflation during 2009 - 6% or 8% or 10%?
Thanks in advance
[email protected]
if you cook yourself by organizing everything from A to Z, in a very standard level. food expense monthly will be 2000/-
If you go and eat outside in a standard hotel, then your 4500/- is correct fit figure for one month. and all other expences i dont know about it.
In 3rd class life style schedule:- option 2
Indian food self coocking monthly 1000/-
Indian restaurent food monthly 1500/- one buffet only.
so, you tell me what is your stomach stle? then i can give you precised calculation that suit to your budget.
Good luck.
Its just funny ,,, dont eat is better for you.
sorry umhamza, for a un clear question. I use to take sea foods and also other non veg items. I have to depend on some restaurents three time daily.
....and it also depends on what kind of food you eat and how many times you eat in a day...
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy....Martin Luther King
depend of a lot of things be more clear with your question