Filipino expats out there, may I have your attention please....
Hi guys,
Attention to all Filipinos who love cooking:
Anyone of you had tried to make or prepare "Fermented Fish" here in Doha?
You know I once visited in Philippines last a couple of years and I love eating of "Burong Isda at Kanin" or "Fermented Fish"? I asked my friend to teach me how to prepare it but I have a problem.. I do not know here in Doha if there is available ingredients uses in it that they called "Angkak (red rice powder that enhances fermentation".
Can anyone (filipino) help me to find this ingredient? I tried to look at Lulu hyper but I could not found there also I tried in Filipino Souq to find this but I could not found..
Please tell me where can I buy this...
Thanks a lot!
ang alam ko alamang yan, yun shrimp, tapos gisa mo sa butter with lots of garlic, onion and beef, wala kasi pork eh...
Hi bro! You dont need really need angkak to make fermented fish. Back in my grannys house in pampanga,she uses only leftover rice,or she'll cook the rice like the same we do for arrozcaldo. Its important that the fish be cleaned well,put salt and cover it with plastic. It must be very well covered or the fish will be rotten, when the air comes thru the container. Open it after 10 days and use a spoon to turn over the mixture of rice and fish. I recomend that you cook it after 20 days, it'll be sour enough, sautee' it with lots of ginger,and onion and garlic. The original "burong isda" is white not red, its just some people prefers it red...Goodluck on your fish fermentation...
hello myguel,
i dont have an answer to your query but i suggest you get the ready made "burong isda" or "bagoong" as we call it. Its sold at the Filipino souq. It may not be as good as the one you had in the Philippines but it still is good with rice.
If you have a filipino friend, you can ask them to get you one if they go back to the country for a vacation.
It's been long time once I ate this fermented fish in Pampanga as appetizer, regarding the red fermented rice or "ang-kak" I haven't seen also here but try some Chinese or Indonesian stores it can be in whole dried grain or in powdered form. I'm not sure if that is same as red indian rice I saw in FFC. You can try also these ingredients: cold rice, garlic, ginger, red onion, limes, fish sauce and white vinegar.