Dubai court documents attestation for family visa

Hi..this is for previous Dubai residents who now have RP and family may be able to help me...
Im wanting to apply for RP. Afterwards I will apply for family visa for my son. My edu cert has been issued in my home country, and attested accordingly. However, my marriage cert and childs' birth certificate were issued in Dubai. Does this mean i have to get these two docs attested in Dubai, like Foreign Affairs and Qatar Embassy in Dubai, in order to eventually sponsor my child? Im unsure as Ive been told by my own embassy in Qatar that I need to send these docs to my own country?? I think this is incorrect info?
Please only reply if you are sure how it works. Sending these docs to my country can be a very difficult process via courier, I really need to know the correct procedure? Dont suggest asking PRO of my company...Ive tried and cant get straight answer from anyone?
thanks..ur help is appreciated
thanks for that cluster...just to external affairs you mean foreign affairs right?
U shlould do attestation of ur marriage certificate and birth certificate in Dubai External affair and Qatar embassy in dubai.Since ur marraige certificate and child birth certifiacte is issued in Dubai there will be no problem.After that go to the qatar embassy in the same area which is next to saudi emabssy and do the attestation, they will charge u around dhs 21/- per document.After that u can do the visa processing in qatar for ur family.
The problem is that there are no 'Pros' in Qatar.