Doha Diaries! Guide to grocery shopping in Doha….

Last night, Mr H and I made a stupid decision. We decided to go grocery shopping.
No. That wasn’t so stupid.
We decided to leave at 10 pm.
That was borderline stupid.
It would not have been as bad a decision if it weren’t Ramadaan (the nocturnal month where everything seems to come to life after 9 pm).
To compound the stupidity of the decision, it was Thursday night. (The weekend crowd was in full attendance.)
The final straw- we decided to shop at LuLu Hypermarket….
We could not make it to the parking lot even…..
The place was chockablock with people, cars crammed into every possible spot….
I come from a city with a population of over 10 million. A city such as Doha should therefore not faze me. But when LuLu is filled to the brim, you need a unique set of skills to complete your shopping assignment. Here are some tips, gathered from experience-
- Don’t waste your time looking for a parking spot right at the entrance of the store. Everyone else is also doing the same! You might get lucky once in a while but is it worth going around in circles and wasting time that can be better utilised inside the store? Also, parking away means you get some walking done. It’s good for you my friend.
- Your shopping cart can be a very stubborn being. Manoeuvring it without harming fellow shoppers’ needs skill, concentration and a will to “do no harm”. (I....................
To read more visit the original blog....
very well written!
The original blog..